Please choose from the dropdown.
Please choose from the dropdown.
Even though you stated that Saturday met your expectations, is there anything we can do to make the workshop better?
Knowing that SCYA must pay US Sailing to put on this seminar, please let us know how you felt having to pay extra for the workshop.
Should SCYA continue to offer this workshop?
US Sailing's Bruce Brown, your trained coach from US Sailing, stated that he thought the women had a great seminar and voiced that they might be interested in a full day US Sailing Safety At Sea Seminar for only women. Would you consider starting your weekend event on a Friday for this add on seminar with the understanding that there would be an additional fee paid to US Sailing for it?
Final Comments
If you have anything else to offer us to make the event better the next time, or a shout out to your favorite coach, or a comment on the best workshop, or a statement about the worst workshop, or.. what ever, please share it here.
If there is a statement above that you would like us to answer you, please identify yourself here. No personal info will be shared when the data is compiled and shared with SCYA, the coaches and sponsors. Please make sure your statement/question that you would like addressed is noted so we can recognize that you want attention.