SCYA Director Jodi Masters-Gonzales will lead SCYA’s first “round-table” style meeting

Title: Nominating Committee Best Practices

Description: With nominating season approaching quickly, you are cordially invited to a round table discussion on nominating committee customs and best practices for yachting organizations. This session is geared for officers and board of directors—particularly those who are likely to, or, have a desire to serve on such a committee.

Topics will include: 

  • Nominating Committee role and responsibilities
  • Avoiding club petrification and “death”
  • The Peter Principle, e.g. “cream rising until it sours”
  • Institutional fortitude
  • Stability vs sustainability
  • Leadership diversity
  • Lessons from the trenches of attending SCYA member organizations

Director Jodi Masters-Gonzales

4100 S. Harbor Blvd. Oxnard

Speaker Director Jodi Masters-Gonzalez: During her time as Commodore of Port Royal Yacht Club (PRYC) in 2020, S/C Jodi Masters-Gonzales successfully led her club through the pandemic without losing a single member due to the crisis. She attributes this success in large part to the thoughtful and considered nomination of leaders the preceding year which allowed the club the strike a balance between tradition and evolution during this period of time.

Under the leadership of S/C Masters-Gonzales, PRYC secured a liquor license, revived its Racing Committee, brought back the newsletter, broke fundraising records, invented a new “socially distanced” dinghy event which became permanent, and completed a two-year effort to update its Constitution and Bylaws.

PRYC received the SCYA Pandemic Powerhouse Award which was created to recognize the outstanding achievement of SCYA member organizations in dealing with the circumstances surrounding the pandemic and actions taken during such an unprecedented time.

In 2021 S/C Masters-Gonzales was elected to the SCYA Board of Directors and led the creation of the newly formed MarCom Committee as Chairperson. She is the Editor of SCYA’s Searchlight newsletter and is a member of the Inclusive Boating Committee. Don’t miss S/C Masters-Gonzales’ encore presentation of Fiduciary Duty for Yachting Organizations (July 11, 2023) which was well received at this year’s R/C Seminar.


Jodi Masters-Gonzales

Tel/Txt 424-241-4054

June 10th Meeting CIYC



Date – June 10 2023
10:30 am – 2:30 pm

Channel Islands Yacht Club
4100 S. Harbor Blvd.
Oxnard, CA 

SCYA BOARD-ONLY Meeting:  10:30 AM
SCYA GENERAL Meeting 12:00 PM
50 Attendees maximum

Lunch Price:  $35.00


    • Pecan & Pear Salad with Maple Vinaigrette Dressing
    • French Onion Soup
    • Spinnach & Bacon Quiche (Veggie Version Available)
    • No Host Bar

Attire:  Summer Uniform

Hotel Recommendation:
Hampton Inn, Channel Islands Harbor
3231 Peninsula Rd, Oxnard, CA 93035
Call:  805-985-1100 for best rates
Hilton Honors, AAA, AARP, Senior & Military Discount Rates

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